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Elevate Mini Mind

Level Up Your Online Service Business

I know you can relate!

You are an Online Service Provider who..

🔷 Is established in her business and now, is ready to take it further & grow..


🔷 You're currently at capacity or close to it with your traditional Clients & services..

🔷 You have of tons of ideas to grow & scale but they always seem to end up on the back burner.. 

🔷 You feel blocked when it comes to reaching the next level in your business.. Even though you might have the "know how".

🔷 And honestly, business is a little lonely! It can be tough to motivate yourself to take the action.

If you can relate to any of this, then the Mini Mind is for you! This is the container where the growth you've been looking to create becomes REALITY. 


It's your time to Shine

Just imagine..

✨ Becoming crystal clear on what you really want from your business..

Elevating your status to reflect your experience within the industry..


✨ Being viewed as an expert rather than the OSP that just works in the background..

✨ FINALLY getting your ideas off the ground and in motion!


✨ Having clarity and confidence on your next steps..

✨ And shifting your mindset so you start running things like a CEO..


The Elevate Mini Mind will equip and empower you to make all of this your reality!

Hey, I'm Ellie!

There was a time in my business where I felt stuck.

Things were going well but I knew that I wanted MORE and I couldn't seem to reach it. I just couldn't see the wood for the trees..

I know what it's like to want MORE but feel uncertain on how to achieve that. To be stuck even though you want to move forward!!

And that's why I created the Mini Mind.


This is exactly where you need to be to empower & equip yourself..

To step up and run things with purpose & power..

To get your business where you really want it to be!

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Over 8 Weeks..

✨ 1: 1 Coaching - You will have two private coaching calls with Ellie. One at the beginning & another at the end of the program

✨ Mini Mind Community Area - You will join the private Mini Mind community area where you can learn, ask questions & most importantly and get to know the rest of the group


✨ Group Coaching - There will be weekly group calls where you will work together with the rest of the group & have the opportunity to tap into a hive mind of experienced OSP's

✨ Accountability - Ellie will be checking in with you both privately and in the group over the 8 weeks to ensure you are staying on track and heading in the right direction!

A Message From Sandra 💙

We kick off September 18th, are you in?

If you're ready to confidently step into your power..

To claim the Authority you're due in this industry..

To get your business exactly where you want it to be..

Then save a limited spot on the Elevate Mini Mind!


⚡️ PIF - €927

⚡️ x2 Payments - €464

⚡️ x4 Payments - €232


This isn't a 'ONE SIZE FITS ALL" approach.. It's tailored to you

Your vision & goals are unique and this programme is tailored to that!

Through our live sessions together we're going to deep dive into your current business - where it's at and where you want it to be.


You're going to discover what it truly is that you want out of your business and together, we're going to create a plan to get you there.

Each week we will have different areas to focus on that you can apply uniquely to your business.

We're going to lovingly elevate the business you have already built.. Build bigger & more sustainably for the future!

Emily's Experience 💙


Get In Touch..

Spots on this Mini Mind are super limited to keep our collaborative community feel so if you're ready, don't dally.. I'd hate for you to miss out!


If you've got any questions , feel free to email me at or get me on Instagram


We're going to do some serious levelling up together and I CAN'T WAIT ✨

Waiting Room
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